My Life is in the lyric's

Sunday, January 3, 2010


She still has my thoughts. Its not a totally bad thing, and not as heavy as it once was, but shes there.

Today has been a sad one, I miss my Dad, And as much as I'm surviving, I miss the life I once had. At least Zoe's here with me, makes life allot better. Its a lazy day filled with internet and emails, an absence from the bar is a needed one, yet people come and go past my little shed window, briefly glancing in as they travel towards their beer. My mind trys to recall names of my past inorder to look them up, with faling results.
Things aren't as they once were, older, greyness, and a bit less attractive.

so it goes.


Anonymous said...

Hey East...I'm sending positive thoughts and prayers your way. I hope things turn around for you.


East Coast said...

thank you. hopefully this year will yeild better results

About Me

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I published a book this year(08)" Lone Wolf". **Please do not republish my photographs without written consent or permission.