Not always a joyous event in my life, because my son I will probably never know. and from the last letter I received from his step sister,... they dont care to know me. such is life.
No cards, no calls, nothing for me, Only the memories of when I was a dad, and a shitty one at that. Selfish, mean and hitler like strict.
My dad's been gone for a few years now, and I still miss the hell out of him, even tho he was the same kind of dad as I was, sometimes worse. Forgive and forget, right? I loved him, and still do. That smirk he wore when he smiled, his refrigerator like stance, the man was huge,... mostley from being on crutches most of his early life. He was one you wanted on your side though. He packed a wollop of a punch. He was the man I swore I never wanted to be like, and seem to be turning out to be exactly like him. Which now I see is a good thing. Morals, strength, Loyalty and hard working.
Yea, so what, I'm still single and cant seem to find anyone out there who can see these qaulitys in me,... "F" them,.. I'm doin alright on my own, no son, no Dad, but I got me, My dog Zoe, and some good friend's,....
so it goes.
Happy Dads day to those out there who wont hear it from anywhere but here. Life aint easy, it aint fair, and all we can do is try our best, listen to our heart, and give as much love to those around you as you can spare at the time.
6 years ago
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