My Life is in the lyric's

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

The Grass is always greener....

The past few months, I've been miserable. Not because of life, love or anything else I've spent the last few years complaining about, but because I chose to make my life miserable, by not seeing outside the box. Something I've always prided myself on doing.

I refuse to make any resolutions, because personally I think thats bullshit, and most people never stick to them after the first two week's, But I have been doing some serious thinking between cry spells, and know I need to change allot about my additude and outlook on my life.

I wasnt rasied the way I thought I should have been and I didnt get the love I thought I should have grwoing up, and that I always felt my siblings were more loved than me, oh boo hooo, time to get over it, and deal with my biggest issue, as far back as I can recall, I've never felt deserving, and have been suicidal since probably around 12 years old. I need to see someone about that, and salvage the years I have left here.

This year, maybe I'll get a life break and things will lean towards my favor. Perhaps I'll meet my dream woman, or even moreso, perhaps the woman Whom I dream about nightly, will see me for the man I am. utoh,.. lol, maybe thats not a good thing after all. lol

anyways,... My list of Best this year:

  • My Harley,... not beautiful, but mine and shes coming together
  • My Dog Zoe,.. my life, my bestest friend, and I'd killl for her
  • My small circle of Friend's,.. its not always about you, just because I blog this and that, your important, but not that much, get over it knuckleheads. lol
  • My family, no, not blood, Biker. My brothers who love me and have my back.
  • My music, Blade once blogged " This guy knows more about music than I forgot". True,.. Music keeps me sane, rules my moods and I hear things most never think exsist.
  • My Son, although you choose not to be apart of my life, I do love you.
So there it is,.. and that pic above?,.. lol, yea, on the road and lovin it

Have a profitable new year, and pray for East to find the stuff he thinks he desires the most in life.


MitMoi said...

East, I hope 2009 moves you down the path of self-love. Be good to yourself - and seek out what you need.


Gina Eaves said...

What a wonderful blog post, East Coast Al.

Please let me know how I can help...and keep pushing forward!!!

About Me

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I published a book this year(08)" Lone Wolf". **Please do not republish my photographs without written consent or permission.